We’re looking for beautiful, fascinating, devastating cover art for our upcoming issues. We are not currently looking for photography.  Submit up to 6 pieces at a time.

Collage note: we are happy to consider collage, but are looking only for pieces in which the original work has been substantially transformed and is no longer recognizable.

Ends on $3.00

We want vivid, vibrant poetry. We like poems with strong emotional hearts. We like all kinds of forms, including experimental ones. We like poems that leave us in wonder. Submit up to 3 poems in a single document.

Ends on $3.00

Sundog prefers stories steeped in movement, marinated in tension, and seasoned with bold prose. In both form and content, our favorite ingredients are the ones we’ve never tasted before. Submit short stories of no more than 3,000 words, or collections of up to 3 flash pieces that total fewer than 3,000 words.

Sundog Lit